Customer Testimonials

They took the time to answer my questions and review all of my options with me. I couldn't be happier with their service and their work. I'll never use anyone else!

- Anna, Frankfort

Great company to work with! They took great care to complete their work efficiently and were very respectful of keeping my home neat and clean while they worked. Very impressed!

- Jeff, Orland Park

These days it's not easy to find a company you can really trust. I have been using C&J for over 20 years because, year after year, they have proven to be courteous, honest, and fair.

- Judy, Crestwood

A wonderful family-owned business, with superb service from people that truly care for their customers. Make sure if anyone needs any heating and cooling service, they know to use C&J Heating and Cooling!

- Michelle, Tinley Park

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Financing provided by Wells Fargo Financial National Bank with approved credit.